Why Cost Reporting Is Important

Accurate cost reporting is essential to the financial health of not only your agencies, but also the industry as a whole, that’s why you need a dedicated team—one that knows the critical elements of the Medicare cost reports that you are required to complete and how to ensure your costs and expenses are accurately reported. We help by taking the burden of CMS compliance off your shoulders and make it easy for your agency to do their part in reflecting the TRUE operating costs of a healthcare provider – because this is how CMS sets future payment rates.

Our All-Inclusive Approach

We remove the burden of completing complicated forms, schedules, and questionnaires off of you by doing that work for you. We ask for the source data so that we can compile the information for you.

Compliance And Accuracy

Our cost report experts review your trial balance to ensure all costs are recorded correctly with regards to CMS reporting regulations. We allocate your payroll to all proper cost centers, properly categorize non-allowable costs and ensure everything is accurately reflected on your cost report.

Having worked with Medicare Administrative Contractors and Medicaid Auditors nationwide, we offer a record of successful negotiations and appeals including success at the Provider Reimbursement Review Board.

  • Strategic Guidance for Optimization
  • Prior Year Cost Report Reviews
  • Home Office and Allocation Strategies
  • Cost Report Preparation
  • Appeal and Negotiation Assistance
  • Wage Index Analysis
  • Mid-Year Contractual Review
  • Special Medicare Payment Designations
  • Bad Debt Assessment